I don't know why I've been putting off this update for the entire week, because really, we got back from Montauk on Sunday night. I have not been in the mood to do anything this week. Its such a shame when you get all worn out from nothing in particular and just want to crawl under your desk and nap the entire day away. Especially this week. It has gotten so cold up here, its a little weird. Like Fall has suddenly taken over without any warning and even though I like the Fall, I am just not ready to be wearing long sleeves and turtle necks. It is kind of depressing.
Our weekend was lovely. Really lovely. I wish we could have spent more time out east, maybe when it was still kind of warm and lay around on the beach all day, but of course, I really couldn't afford it. Even in September, when the rates are
supposedly reduced it was freaking expensive. But, its a beach resort town and there's nothing you can do about it, except take it up the ass because you want to go to the freaking beach.

Which we did. And it was pretty crowded, considering how cold it was on Saturday. I mean, brrrr, cold. We laid around for a little while, but decided that it just wasn't worth it and went back to the hotel to swim in the pool which was warmer and much less crowded. I like that in a pool. Also, no sharks there to speak of.
The motel that we stayed at is one that we've been going to for the past 3 summers. Mostly because its usually the most affordable, and also because we don't know any better. From what I understand, they're all basically the same out there and I'm not a snob, I just need a bed to sleep in and a potty to use. But the rooms are damp. Like, did it rain in here? damp. I've been told they're all that way, and its just what you get for staying in a motel on the water in Montauk. So, I can deal with that. The decor is really pretty awesome, high-glaze wooden wall-paneling as far as the eye can see and exceptionally tacky art:

These gems were hanging over the bed. I'm not sure if its supposed to
mean something, but man, did those guys get me in the mood. Yowza.
Sunday was probably the nicest day we were out there, which is standard for the day you're leaving. We drove out to the lighthouse, which is what you're supposed to do when you go out to Montauk - its mandatory, I think. So, here:

We didn't actually go IN or anything because its kind of expensive, especially since
someone (ahem) has a fear of heights and wouldn't be able to climb to the top anyway. And I've already done it, so we didn't miss out on anything.
Instead, we took a left and hiked down the path to the beach. Which, not for nothing, was much cooler than going to the lighthouse. No joke:

And I got this shot, which I think made the rock-climb all worth it (clicky for bigger):

It was really beautiful climbing over all of the huge boulders that they have put around the base of the lighthouse (they've had trouble with erosion and I think this was their solution).
On our drive home, I spotted this and had to get a picture of it.

That's a
Bentley, people. A
Bentley. Ugh... The Hamptons. Full of people who can drive Bentleys.
On another note, a friend of mine used to say that when she grew up she wanted to BE a Bentley.
I guess we all have our aspirations.