Namasté and Junk
I'm not sure why i'm avoiding my own blog. But i am. And there it is.
I haven't even wanted to sign onto the page.
I am literally avoiding my blog. It's very strange.
Maybe i just don't know how to post an update after 3 months of nothing. There's been a lot going on; not all of it bad. But not all of it great, either. Maybe that's why i haven't wanted to post anything - nothing has really changed, per se, even though i was preparing myself for making a BIG change in my life. I really sort of chickened out and let it smooth itself over. Everything is pretty much back to status quo and i'm not interested in shaking it up again. Which is good. I think. Not bad. Like it was.
For those of you who don't remember my last couple of (deleted) posts, this means nothing to you, so here is some stuff that has been sitting in draft since June:
There are people in my company that don't leave detailed voicemails because they think that someone in the IT department is sitting around listening to them. There is one person in particular that has left me 3 vague vmails the past couple of days that is making me unconsciously grind my teeth. She really believes that people are listening to her voicemails - also her phone calls, btw. As if anyone in any other department could really give a shit about what she's working on. This isn't NASA. Nothing is that interesting. Let's get over ourselves, eh?
Aside from working side by side with the paranoid, i've been working on other ways to try to fix myself a little. I joined a gym - and am hoping that i'll still be going at this time next month - and started taking a yoga class on monday nights that is seriously. Kicking. My. Ass.
I've taken yoga in the past, either as a gym credit in college or at the last gym i belonged to because
And that's where it ends. I must have gotten distracted somehow, as i'm wont to do, and never finished the thought. But lets update that a little:
"Aside from working side by side with the paranoid, i've been working in other ways to try to fix myself a little. I joined a gym and totally stopped going about a month after joining and am hoping that i'll still be going at this time next month which we all knew was going to happen and really was just a pipe dream that i totally predicted - and started taking a yoga class on monday nights that is seriously. Kicking. My. Ass. "
I'm still paying for a wasted gym membership, but yoga is still kicking my ass. Which is great, because we know that nothing else is kicking my ass, like that damn treadmill that i haven't seen since June.
But with the yoga, i actually feel like i'm getting better at it which i never anticipated happening when i was pulling out my shoulders every week when we were told to "reach around your knee and clasp your hands behind your back". This one is still not happening, by the way, but can you really blame me.
Oh, and this one. We don't use the wussy blankets or anything for support like they show in the picture, so when i kick my legs over my head, i get my chin mashed into my chest and then find myself getting suffocated by my own boobs. Yoga is so relaxing, you know?
I'm getting real fucking good at this pose, though. So, you know. Result.
The real test, that i've discovered, that has me believing that yoga is doing something is the fact that I, Claire, can actually do a push-up. Like a real live big-boy push up. Not on my knees like a girl, but a real, honest to goodness push-up. Two of them, even! Like back-to-back! It's crazy. I don't think i've been able to do a real push-up since the 6th grade. I am a rock star. Behold my awesomeness.
Well, whatever, that's just a snippet of what's going on. I'm going to try to ease back into this writing thing since, you know, i actually kind of like it.
For all of you who emailed my or commented and i didn't respond? I'm sorry, i've been living in my own world for a little while. But i'm back now. Thanks for your kind words.
Yay. I missed you there at the top of my feed reader.
I work with someone who thought "they" had spy cameras watching us work. Yeah, watch literally 10s of thousands of ppl sitting in cubicles typing and picking our noses...right.
SUEB0B, at 8/19/2008 2:21 PM
Welcome Back!
As for the yoga poses, um, I can't even tell which body part is which in that first pose...
I tried a couple times to do yoga to balance out the running I've been doing, but I am not strong or flexible enough to not get frustrated.
Jess, at 8/19/2008 7:37 PM
Is that post from Claire?!
Holy shit it is! Claire's back!
heh.. not like I haven't talked to you anyway.
Welcome back to your own blog.
Stanford, at 8/19/2008 10:13 PM
SWEET you're back -- hopefully for good this time, yes? YES?
I have an inkling I would be pretty good at the "corpse pose" myself. But the others? Not so much. I applaud you for evey TRYING.
Cassie, at 8/20/2008 10:40 AM
I Think the Blogs are great and good learning experiences we all get from each other’s views. A true learning experience. I wish all of you best of luck Plow Pose
rohanjoshi, at 7/24/2018 6:31 AM
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